A peaceful DIGITAL
SHOPPING experience


With the booming advent of online business, the shopping experience has burgeoned with the energies of haste, fear, and survival. A reflection of our systems over-functioning merging with the unnatural pace and promises of the online realm.

Welcome to something different.

Our experience of reality changes when we take the time to ground, release what's not ours, replenish our natural energies, and polish the mirror of our hearts.

When we practice meeting ourselves and Life as they are.

Over time, with practice, patience, and persistence—you will find yourself softening into Life.

What's meant for you will begin to emerge, shimmering with clarity. What's not will also be evident in its own subtle way. And you can begin the process of returning to your deep inner well of trust.

All of these offerings serve this in some way, whether in the realm of deep inner intimacy, business stewardship, and your relationship with money.

Shaped by 15+ years of study, training, and wild-lived experience—it is with great humility and honor that I release them to you. So that you, too, may be shaped by them.

I pray that the teachings become uniquely yours and authentically embodied.

I ask that you give yourself the gift of trusting in your unique rhythm, listening to your subtle knowings, and remembering that "whatever you're learning, you don't need to know what it is. Your body absorbs precisely what it needs from your food without you telling it what to do.”

– Japanese Abbott


In this masterclass, I taught the three teachings and techniques that have stood the test of time in my 15+ years in the field of energy work.

When approached sincerely and practiced diligently, these teachings will subtly and profoundly alter the melody of your existence.

UPLEVEL is like lightning—wild, clarifying, and electric.

Fueled by 2020's upgrades, this mini-course is designed to shake up your inner and outer worlds and liberate you from the illusory prisons of spirituality.

Fine Tune is an in-depth course for the Devotee who yearns for subtlety and depth.

A culmination of over 15 years of dedicated training and study in the body, the nervous system, and the aura—crafted to serve the art of becoming a vessel.

Emptiness requires an extraordinary fullness of authenticity. The inner fountain of authenticity requires intentionaly tending and befriending of one's entire ecosystem.

Fine Tune offers the pathways and practices needed to arrive there without abandoning but, instead, through your very humanity.

When your work is formless, kneeling at the altar of form is your most essential prayer.

Formlessness and form dance in an eternal love affair. In their union the divine equations of metabolization, momentum, and innovation emerge.

MYSTIQUE is both mini-course and sacred doorway to enter into this teaching…

“The secret and the sacred are sisters”

— John O’Donohue

The marketplace is overflowing with answers. Yet, life-giving success is contingent on but one thing—complete and utter coherence.

REVEAL is an in-depth course arising from the laws of Creation herself.

The lost secret is that these laws are not solely reserved for morning practices and spiritual retreats. They are meant to be applied to one's entire life and certainly one's business.

This is a pathway to uncovering the truth of your dharma. 


ReSource is a drop in the ocean of a subtle financial revolution and the remnants of a lost love story—between inner and outer prosperity.

Money is one of, if not the greatest, pain-point on the planet. The options for quelling this pain are often merely band-aids, be they spiritual or not.

I have dedicated a decade to unearthing something different.

Money Medicine is the visions and prayers of the Earth brought to life. It is the seed of a new yet ancient way. It is an in-depth course designed to deliver you into bone-deep restructuring around money.

This is your invitation to cultivate an intimacy with money (and yourself) that no money experience can take away from you.



  • Intimacy with yourself and Life is the non-negotiable foundation for stewardship of all forms.

    If we do not begin here, we re-create the pain-filled worlds we desire to change.

    Inside this bundle, you will have the opportunity to do something you will one day look back on and see as the foundation of everything you’re proud of.


  • Inside the word stewardship, we find the essence of the householder's path.

    How do we engage modern-day life and business in a good way?

    This bundle serves as a pathway to both uncovering and becoming the answer.

  • Whether bridging the gap between humanity, money, and divinity or discovering an entire system of financial stewardship held within the Earth, this work is designed to crack you open so you may take your place in the subtle financial revolution.

    For you, your lineage, and for all of Life.



life supports that which supports you

life supports that which supports you

Thank you for stopping in!
Don’t forget your *virtual* eco-friendly linen shopping bag.

we hope you make time to enjoy your purchases