timeline work to enhance, not avoid, your life
UPLEVEL came through at a tumultuous time—February 2021.
We were nearing the year mark of the pandemic and, as a world, very full. It struck and cracked like a lightning bolt, offering a much-needed reminder that consciousness is a diamond that can be spun, flipped, and adored. UPLEVEL lives in the prism that Life is a Divine Play—a Lila.
A game.
It was the answer to a collective ask—
How do we engage ourselves and Life as they are amidst a dying version of the world?
How do we create space for the seed of creation that lives within the heart of destruction?
The answers to these questions live in a version of reality where we have become like children. This experience unifies transformation and play (a separation founded in delusion) and opens an astral doorway to a playground on Earth spoken of in global prophecies.
the process encourages transforming:
spiritual should’s into flow
controlled perfection into play
and the delusion of thinking we know what others should be doing…
into a boundless commitment to the richness of our personal adventure—only to discover that the feather bed underneath this commitment is a shimmering field of interdependence
WTF is going on??
What are timelines and why bother engaging them?
Timelines, inside and outside of time
An introduction to a realm we are just beginning to meet
Ways to Play
- 8 x 35-80M minute training and bonus videos
- guided energy work processes to play in the energies
- bonus access to the Mastery Tools PDF
I feel more clear than I ever have in this incarnation.
I get to fully own who I BE without watering myself down.
THIS is true liberation.
I am accessing gifts that have felt locked inside a cage in my chest. What a JOY.
— STEF -
Speaking to many layers of my forgotten self, the experience of these ‘courses’ is truly multi-dimensional – and keeps on giving, long after the fact.

Like many of us, I did not get much time to be a child.
I’ve had to diligently uncover the seeds of fun beneath layers of matted weeds of over-responsibility.
I’ve had to slowly allow innocence to brighten like the Sun, dimmed by the fear that it’s not safe to sparkle, softly breaking through thick gray clouds at dawn and realizing the whole world waits for it to shimmer.
I’ve strained, lifting the old boulders of militant work that infused transformation and healing — only to discover a rich bed of moonlit crystals revealing that these states are natural and boundless extensions of my own being.
UPLEVEL is a love letter to this story of remembrance.
I am proud to share that since its inception, over 400 people have taken this journey.

Yes. UPLEVEL is open for enrollment as an evergreen x self-paced offering. Meaning, it can be purchased anytime and you will receive instant access to all the content.
No. This offering will benefit anyone who has resonance.
You will have lifetime access.
Yes! You can enable subtitles/captions on all of our recorded video content.
This is a final-purchase offering. You may review the terms and conditions here.
Please email our team at support@pilarlesko.com.