True Prosperity Is Simple

In a world that has become incredibly loud…
prosperity is the silence of dawn breaking on an early morning, the natural pause after truth has been spoken, and the quiet loudness of awe that imbues the desert, the mountains, and the sea.

In a culture that moves incessantly fast…
prosperity is the art of cream being slowly poured into a cup of steaming coffee, the steady deep-rooted love of a marriage going on 40+ years, the undulating tones of an old-growth forest in which you are a mere nano-second in their psychedelic perception of timelessness.

In a society that is obsessed with eating yet remains ever-hungry…
prosperity is the pulsing life force of a fish caught and cooked by a man in ceremony with the natural world, a meal grown in the soil of your backyard, and a loaf of sourdough baked by a friend whose starter took years to perfect.

Prosperity is being wholly satiated by a wild piece of fruit eaten with pure presence, a conversation so rich it takes weeks to digest, a bouquet of flowers whose beauty is so mesmerizing you could spend hours entranced.

In a time when attention spans dwindle…
prosperity is the fire of attention well paid. It is the penetrating sensation that someone is listening to you with every cell of their body, the feeling of moving beneath the conscious mind into the nectar of body awareness, and the realization that as you breathe Life, Life is breathing you back. 

In an age whose model of success we’ve inherited derives itself from non-stop progress and linear results…
prosperity is the lost art of tending, taking care, and nourishment; it is the subtle unseen moments in which you realize — wow, there’s more of me here; it is the Great Mystery wrapping you in its warm embrace, teaching you the true meaning of aliveness. 

In a time when our financial systems and structures destroy Life…
prosperity is honoring your true nature, allowing yourself to receive the numbers in your bank account as if you are receiving one of the world's great wonders, and placing tobacco upon the altar of the intelligence of Life.

Prosperity is recognizing that support requires a relationship. 
Flow requires interdependence. 
Trust requires intimacy. 

In my emptiness is everything-ness. 
In my limitation, I find immeasurable riches. 
In zero is infinite potential. 


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