Intentional Investing

Investing in yourself in big ways is a conversation I am enlivened to have yet – am always wary to talk about in spaces with limited characters as this is both a profoundly simple and deeply nuanced topic.

This email is essentially a written masterclass in intentional investing that the reader has the potential to receive immense benefit all the way to no benefit whatsoever, all depending on the energetic investment and integration of what's being offered.

The simplicity – there is a perfect recipe for an investment to ‘work’ (i.e. not blow you out to the point of incessant suffering and become something you receive immense and immeasurable benefit from). Once you are aware of and able to commit to integrating the ingredients of the perfect recipe, your investments will irrevocably serve you.

First, let's clarify that when we say 'high-priced' or 'big' investments these words are subjective to the person and their current reality with money. What is high to one person is not to another and vice versa.

The investment conversation seems to take 2 extremes (which we know means that this is something consciousness is exploring). It’s either investing in yourself is the only way to expand yourself and your business – *cue nuance-lacking posts where a business coach is screaming at you that the only way to grow your business is to invest because that’s what they did.* Or, investing is simply loaded with so much manipulation and re-traumatization that it’s not a beneficial thing – *cue deeply triggered post where someone who had a bad experience is tearing down the mentorship, coaching, and spiritual industries and investing as a whole.*

I have explored and experienced both of these extremes and, as with everything, there is a middle way.

At this point, I’ve invested a fair amount into myself and my company purely on ‘intangible’ things. I can confidently say, regardless of the experience itself, all of my investments have deeply served me. This is a belief I committed to integrating into my body- nervous system-aura a long time ago. Amidst the rocky shores of investments that were not the wisest decisions, this belief has been like a lifeboat in my body that once I am grounded – always arises, reminding me that there is medicine in all of it. However, this belief did not negate the need for me to do very real work to ensure I aligned myself with my destiny timeline investments.

I have invested purely from trauma responses and become blown out by them, I have taken 2 full years off from any intangible investments (in which my company doubled, tripled, and quadrupled financially – so we can eliminate the idea that investing is the only way to grow), and I broke my two year investment fast with a multiple-6-figure investment that was the perfect stretch. Thus, I've been able to experience the multidimensional activation that the right investment can be.

The Roots | The Nervous System

The one that is most often skipped over or held onto as a way to abdicate personal responsibility for one's healing (this does not mean being in integrity and trauma-informed isn't important) – a prepared and well-resourced body + nervous system.

This does not mean that fear, sensation, and emotion do not arise in the investment process, but rather, that one has the capacity to work with them in their window of tolerance. This means that you are well-resourced to hold yourself and expand your capacity as you meet an edge. A healthy nervous system is not passive and inactive. A healthy nervous system knows how to meet edges and remain adaptable and flexible to the tension that comes with those edges. A healthy nervous system, as with all of Creation, enjoys and will become quite bored without contrast that allow for evolution and change.

This is the part in the recipe that many who have ‘bad’ investment stories fail to get. If you have a shot nervous system and low window of tolerance due to unhealed trauma then a large investment will most likely send you into hyper or hypo-arousal. You will get blown out and potentially not have access to the awareness and tools that could help you come back into a regulated state. Your experience may be a rapid oscillation between regulation and dysregulation in which you are never able to fully ground and entrain to the new energies that the investment opens for you.

Many have investment experiences in which the sales tactics used were perfect matches for sensation, feeling, and experience that correlated to unhealed trauma. These tactics cause the person to go into whatever is their systems preferred cocktail of dysregulated states in which they no longer have access to the wisdom of the body, intuitive faculties, and more of the like. One of the many patterns that manifests from these states is a total collapse or submission of power via an overriding of one's limits – this is often when the person unconsciously submits and makes the decision to invest.

Though this can become complex in concept, the antidote is simple.

For me, the interest always lies in – if the thing outside of me was not going to change – what would I do? Commit to transforming myself and access more choice, awareness, and life-force. Committing to our healing and transformation paths allows us to take personal responsibility for and have awareness of our window of tolerance, triggers, and maladaptive strategies. From here, we can gain access to the ability to make investment decisions from the window of tolerance. This is also where we can cultivate the bandwidth and auric integrity to perceive when someone isn't allowing us to make the decision from a clear, grounded, and regulated place. Our awareness of the ways people are unconsciously running their energy heightens and we gain access to clear resonance and dissonance.

Something I pride myself in is, from day 0 of my business, I never used forceful or manipulative sales tactics and have always required potential clients to make their investment decision outside of my energy – in their own energy, and from a grounded and clear place. What this has resulted in is clients not coming into the container blown out, dysregulated, and unable to come back to center. In other words, they make the choice from an embodied and empowered place which resources them to move into the container in a beautiful way – ready to meet and work with edges within their capacity.

The Foundation | Connection to What is Meant for You

This foundational ingredient builds on the prior. It is through the healing and transformation of what belongs to us that we gain ever-deepening access to our intuition, clear resonance, clear dissonance, and ultimately – what is meant for us. I see this as a crucial investing ingredient because having these faculties online is what allows us to truly ‘see' those on the path that we are meant to walk with. As one becomes more embodied, widens the capacity of their system, and comes into greater spaciousness and clearness in the aura – the connection to who and what is interwoven with your density becomes palpable.

This is where we begin to step onto the reality plane of signs, symbols, and omens. This reality plane is one of the many reasons I don't market my 1:1 work, talk about when spots are open or full, or even try to explain my 1:1 containers. My divine appointment clients always find me through this plane of reality – I appear in a dream; they find me in an absurdly synchronistic Google search; their guides tell them it's time; they feel pure resonance and subsequent signs, omens, and confirmations; they hear the sound of my voice on a podcast and are overwhelmed with remembrance… the list goes on. In essence, their connection to what is meant for them supersedes the need to attach to and control linear timelines. They are devotees of the Mystery. This is the plane of reality I 'do' business on.

The Juice | The Energetic Investment

A willingness to meet and walk yourself through the very real sensation, emotion, and edge that arises from a large investment. Of course, in most cases, the container itself can be utilized for this. However, in my opinion, there has to be a willingness on the investor's side to fully meet what arises as this is such an integral part of journeying into new levels of self and reality that the investment makes available. These are the crunchy places where you meet aspects of self that were made available through the (doable) pressure of the investment. These experiences are the bridges into the new dimensions of life that become available through the intentional meeting of edges.

The Practical | The Qualitative Investment

Something I require for all potential clients is that they be practically resourced to invest. Simply put, they have the money and/or they have clear and active ways for money to flow in. I am not strict with this solely quantitatively but rather, energetically.

There could be someone who only has half the money but very clearly is at a place on the path with their calling where essence and structure have united and resource is flowing in. Though this person may not have all the money up front, it could be both energetically and practically obvious that they are in a position to invest in a good way that will only amplify the alignment they are already experiencing.
And – there could be someone who has all the money and more but is clearly unable to and/or unwilling to show up energetically whom I would say no to.

Something I get asked quite often is “do you say no to potential clients?” The answer is yes. I turned clients away even when I desperately needed the money. My devotion has always been to the abundance of alignment, not the pressures of scarcity. If something is not a right fit, in anyway, the highest service I can offer all parties is to compassionately turn them away and point them in the direction of a pathway or practitioner I feel is right for where they are.

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