11 Secrets to Non-Sensical Scaling
How do I run a highly profitable company with little to no social media use, no paid ads, no practical business/marketing strategies, no consistent creating/selling, no more than 3-4 day work weeks, and, mainly, no f*cks given?
Now, before you roll your eyes and think, “another typical coachy-coach entrepreneur,” what if I told you I spent most of 2020 activating/supporting people in fully ejecting from the artificial matrix and its many sub-matrices? (I’m looking at you, artificial business matrix.) What if I told you that after working with me, people openly admit to saving themselves hundreds of thousands of dollars that would have gone to keep them stuck on artificial timelines through investing in more, well, artificiality?
The social media:
– I don’t use Facebook for my business and recently fully deleted it (which was absolutely Divine, btw).
– I have an Instagram that I have posted on around 5 times in the last year and once in the last 6 months. The most recent post was an intentionally infected grid infiltration experiment, which I presume will be one of my main reasons for utilizing social media moving forward.
– My business manager and I create playful IG stories to share when we are unveiling (“launching”) a new offering if it feels fun and fits the marketing codex of the creation – not in any way because we feel like we have to in order to sell/get/receive.
– I don’t run ads because that has yet to sound fun.
I send emails, I write articles (sometimes), I go on podcasts, and I somehow ended up as a top hit on Google without trying. However, I share through these portals because they feel fun, good, and clear for me and my creations. I Am not enslaved to them, nor do I believe I need them.
I’m always reiterating that if I’m ever guided to use social media consistently or at a higher intensity, I will. It’s not off the table; it’s just yet to be on the table. Nothing is truly off the table in my reality. Infinite/limitless possibilities, always.
In hindsight, I now see one of the myriad reasons I was guided to emancipate myself, and thus all of my creations from social media was because I was assisting in forging a template of possibility. A template in which it is entirely possible for you and your creations to be emancipated from inorganic technologies and in which you are still highly sought after and well-compensated. A template in which you can interact with said inorganic technologies from a clear, sovereign, and free place. A template in which your frequency and the field of your creations will begin to infiltrate and purify whatever medium you are called to blast your creations through.
The strategy:
My business “strategies” are my commitment to myself, play over everything, and business as simply another vehicle to experience, express, and actualize my and others’ Divine Humanness. Secondary strategies including but not limited to divine simplicity, divine timing, and divine orchestration.
Now, don’t get it twisted, I absolutely love working and all that my “work” entails. But I wouldn’t say I “work hard.” It’s more like I work easily, I work with joy, and I work with the current instead of against it. Ya feel?
So, let’s get into the “secrets,” shall we? I wholly guarantee this will be unlike any other “business” article you’ve ever read before. So buckle up and be forewarned: major sass ahead.
1. I Am committed to the union of my will with Divine Will.
This is a Universe of levels. There is a level of consciousness in which one becomes captivated by the power of I and the ability to manifest/create one's reality. This is often where we see programming that your human I is the only one/thing doing and controlling the Universe and where LOA/manifestation teachings start to take over, influencing one to continuously loop at desire-based / I-want consciousness. Cue endless aggressive manifestation work and getting things on your list obsession.
On the opposite side of the coin, one can easily become captivated by the idea that they are/do nothing and everything they set forth is simply God moving through them. And this is where one easily externalizes power and misses attuning with the God-self within and without. Cue flopping over like a fish waiting for Spirit to move you, often resulting in a weak energy field and lack of consistent or sustainable ReSource (cash money, baby).
Neither of these is *it* to me. In my reality, it is the unification and dissolving of separating between I/God that allows for full activation of the Creator State of BEingness. The state in which your human will (I) aligns with the Divine Will (All) and, through their union, there is a dissolving of relating to anything you set forth/actualize/create as a dual experience.
I Am all that I Am.
Now, the next question is usually, “How do I do this?”
The “answer,” as per usual, is that this is not a doing/getting thing. This is also not a mind-thing.
Above all, a willingness to attune to levels of yourSelf/reality where false attachments to both I and lack of I – or simply, duality – dissolve. Which naturally is going to mean the clearing of false aspects/unintegrated ego attachments to things like manifestation work, doing to get consciousness, desire loops, the need to be seen as spiritual/pure/connected, personal development matrices, etc.
Sound funzies? It is.
2. I’d rather be well-known in the unseen realms than famous in the matrix.
I may not be famous in the artificial matrix, but I am certainly well-known in the higher realms. Though I never set out to do or be this, from the beginning of my business – people have “found” me and actualized my reality in the most dreamy and mysterious ways.
It has been more common for people to meet me first in a dream, meditation, vision, journey, or a divinely orchestrated Google search than it is on social media or through anything I’ve actually “done.”
Why this is normal in my reality: everything that we see occurring in 3D reality/our personal hologram is simply the physicalized product of something that’s already been set forth in higher dimensional planes. I know that when someone and I are speaking on a call, this is just a way for our humans to make contact about something that our higher-level aspects have already planned, ordained, discussed, and set into motion.
Because I am someone who is tuned into and very comfortable with the etheric, it would only make sense that I either attract people who are similar or, if not consciously, they become increasingly aware of our higher-level connection/plans prior to ever finding my work, knowing me, or seeing me.
People feeling like they know me long before we’ve met is beautiful, and I thoroughly enjoy the experience. However, none of this is where my worth is sourced from. I don’t need this to happen to know I’m infinitely worthy.
3. I “do” business naked (literally and metaphorically).
I recently merged with a level of reality/myself where I was organically initiated into removing all remaining subtle veils that blocked who I be from my lifestream.
While myriad expired veils had already been removed, one of the only remaining areas with them was in the “public” creations portal of my business, aka what I create and offer to the collective that doesn’t have the intimate cloak of things like my newsletters and 1:1 containers.
For the majority of my business journey prior to Now, I have been guided to utilize various titles/words/costumes as intentional veils. Essentially, I say “I’m this” or “I’m doing that,” as a way to create a point of resonance for the people who are meant to find me. Then, once you’re in the door, we go full-on multidimensional activation style-y.
For example, there was a level in my reality/business in which, much to my ego’s dismay, I was guided to say I was a “business coach” or someone who helped people with “business.” While this was essentially true, what was actually occurring was that I was supporting people with energy mastery, which was then transforming and upgrading who they be and, thus, how they operated in and through their business portal.
Yet, I recently merged with the level where all remaining veils were called off. I saw it was time for me to dissolve any subtle veils that served the purpose of ways for people to make sense, find resonance with, understand, or feel a false sense of control/safety in me/my field. Aka, a full unhooking from the collective consciousness so that I can fully anchor all that I set forth in where consciousness is going, not where it is or where it’s been.
I know I am here to innovate, not repurpose or recreate. Innovation requires a full letting go of what was or still is.
This removal of subtle veils has allowed me to be fully received, recognized, and honored for who I be. It has also brought with it more opportunities, divine appointment clients, ReSource (money), creations, and all-around connection.
Key Point: the more willing you are to become sovereign, clear, and free in your energy field, the more who you be will become a magnified beacon of resonance for those who are meant to find you. When you are sovereign in your field – unattached to titles, roles, mission, and various costumes, you are free to allow Creation to create through you, or, any energy that is needed moment-to-moment can run through your field. You can finally enjoy and fully experience the role, identity, and costume at each new level.
Oh, and in regards to actual nudity, I love not wearing clothes. Some of my most potent creation experiences happen in the tub and during the hour after in which I prance around the house naked.
4. I don’t engage in any form of convincing, pain points, forcing, pushy, “look at all the things I can get you” marketing.
Then… how do I market, and how do people know they want to experience my creations?
For starters, I think everything I create is bomb AF. In other words, my energy is so fully behind, in love with, and in the joy of my creations that when it’s time to release something, I’m probably more excited than everyone in my field combined.
This leads me to my second point: I’m not creating first for others. I Am creating because if I don’t bring these things through, I would combust into a million pieces and cease to exist. I Am creating because it’s my birthright as a Creator Being to experience the immense activation, gifts, and opportunities that creation allows for. I Am creating because it’s what connects me to the Creator and the gifts of Creation.
Sure, I am tuned into the Divine Plan and how said creations are meant to impact, influence, and support the collective, but I am not sitting at home wondering, “What can I do next for the collective… what does the collective need from me next… how can I help the poor little collective…?”
It’s more like, “Yo, I’m always *on* as a Creator Being… BEAM ME UP SCOTTY!”
So yes, when I Am in the highly playful process of unveiling, sharing, and offering a creation, I Am telling people about it. But the place from which I’m sharing is clear, free of hooks, and genuinely excited to make the creation available to whoever is meant to interact with it. And, due to the high volume of intimacy I have with my creations, I’m already tuned and/or tuning into the energy of those who are meant to interact with it!
It’s more the vibe of “here’s my creation, here’s the frequency of the creation, and here are the potential activations within the creation… I’ll be over here playing if you’d like to join!”
Ultimately, it is a clear feeling. And, Now more than ever, we need clarity.
If the aforementioned marketing styles feel good to you, then rock on, baby. However, if any part of your being is like, “I’m so glad someone is saying this…” then know that a different way is available, possible, and already working on myriad levels of reality. Claim it!
5. Everything is frequency first. However, frequency first does not mean sitting around overanalyzing and never moving into action until everything feels neat and perfect.
Those of you who have been around since the “beginning” know that I have been preaching this from the moment I appeared online (and before I was online, too, but that doesn’t count because it wasn’t being documented… lol).
… and, now that talking about energy/frequency first is becoming increasingly popular, we should talk about the distortions.
Frequency first does not mean sitting around, over-analyzing everything, trying to feel like you know it all, are in a state of perfection or have cleared all false aspects and discomfort before any action is taken.
No, no, no.
Frequency first means all of your energy is unified within Self and, thus, with the creation; it means who you be is fully behind, aligned, and merged with the creation; it means that whatever is pouring through you is first – an extension of your beingness and from there – your doing/action flows effortlessly; it means the field from which the creation is birthing is clear and thus the creation itself is clear.
More often than not, I see people who are already unified with themselves and their creation sitting around twiddling their thumbs, thinking they’re not ready because, as a species, we are addicted to overthinking and making things complex.
I Am often asked things like, “What if I only know the first couple of steps?” Then, if you feel a Go/Creation window, you flow into those steps, and from there – the next steps are revealed, whatever needs to be cleared is met, and all necessary intel for the next movement is received. I personally have received my most potent feedback from getting into the creative flow messily than I do sitting back and attempting to make everything all neat and tidy before I even know what I’m cleaning up!
Or, “What if I still feel fear?” Then you compassionately witness the fear, process/feel the fear, and get on the damn field.
Keycode: when I get a green light, I move and I move fast. When my most recent creation came through, I created a LIT sales page and the entire backend of the course (I could have given this all to my business manager, but the energy was so high I couldn’t help myself) in 45 minutes. Then, I filmed the entire offering in the next 48 hours. I call this a bing-bang-boom. Unification = frequency on lock = rapid actualization of the creation.
Every creation comes with a set of instructions, and every creation has infinite possibilities in regard to how it’s actualized. Some will be like lightning bolts; others will be slow drips. You can feel when something is still gestating and when something is ready for its first steps (even if the second and third have not landed yet). You can feel when something is too ripe to unveil and when something is perfectly baked. Trust that you know how to feel these things. Trust your connection to yourSelf as a Creator Being. Recognize that your way will come through you, not what people are saying online.
6. I Am 100% okay with BEing a “shapeshifter.”
Artificial business matrix programming would like you to believe that the only way to “do business” is by using very clear and sensible titles, niches, and elevator pitches. You see all the people who do this who are famous/successful (in the matrix), and then you take on that programming as “how reality works,” and voila – that’s the reality you now exist in, feed, and magnify. This is how imaginative/creative energy continues to feed artificial timelines: by getting stuck in a reality where it’s the only thing you can imagine existing.
I dissolved my attachment to titles, roles, and niches prior to ever birthing my business or being online. To be frank, I uplevel and thus, merge with the next version of myself at such a rapid pace that attaching to any costume as “the costume” is a fool's errand.
New level = new Self = potentially “new” business costume
Because I know that what’s truly drawing people in is who I be, I Am well aware that everything else is just fun/playful costumes that I put on at each new level and dance around in. Think points of resonance for people at that level to perceive me as “something.” Simultaneously, when the costume doesn’t fit anymore, I throw it in the fire or hand it down to my little sister.
And guess what? I have never been without clients, money, opportunities, attention, and interest in my work. One reason is it feels FREEING AF to get in the field of someone who isn’t white-knuckling a niche like that niche is the thing creating success in their business. Shockingly, most of my clients work this way as well. Yet, many are unwilling to allow themselves to be that due to it being perceived as wrong or unprofessional. We don’t do that here.
7. If it doesn’t feel like joy/play, I’m not interested.
If you only take ONE thing away from this article, let it Be this.
This rule will save you from immense suffering.
If what you are “doing:” your 1:1 clients, the book you are writing, the podcast you are hosting, the retreats you are leading, the mission you are a part of, the company you work for, or the creation you are birthing do not feel joyful, playful, and fun – something needs to change Now.
This does not mean that whatever you’re doing can’t have a massive impact, contain immense reverence, be Divine AF, or support people in unspeakable ways. These are and should not be separate from joy, play, and fun.
Let’s be clear. This is not to be confused with spiritually bypassing, avoidance, etc. As you unify with higher levels of self and, thus, creations, you will experience the natural process of clearing discomfort, fears, and false aspects. That doesn’t mean, however, that there won’t be immense Joy available within the process. And that certainly doesn’t mean that your creations and all they entail shouldn’t feel like play.
Plot twist: pull out of fixing/healing/seeking artificial loops in your business (and reality) by prioritizing play and notice the way the power of play itself will organically bring up anything within your system/field that is not, in fact, comfortable with this frequency. The very seem things you were tirelessly mining for in the fixing loop, perhaps?
This is a level of consciousness and set of frequencies that will rapidly and dramatically change yourself and all of your realities.
Welcome to the playground. We’ve been expecting you.
8. I don’t create what my “audience”/people tell me they want; I create what people don’t know that they want until I’ve created it.
I have never involved my audience in my 3D creation process in the sense that I’m not checking in with what they think they want from me. I create what they didn’t even know they wanted until it’s in their face, and they’re like, “THIS IS IT!” Allowing an audience that is dissolving, shifting, and upleveling as rapidly as I am to dictate my creations sounds like my own personal prison. Catch me never asking people what I should talk about, create, or do next.
I allow for immense space within myself/realities to be consistently tuned in to what I am meant to create next. Whatever this is always serves, activates, and upgrades whoever resonates 10000x more than anything they could have told me to create.
Part of innovating and creating at your own personal forefront is being continuously willing to release who you have been, what you have done, and the many external voices, opinions, perceptions, and wants in order to receive the New.
9. I have 0 issues being well compensated.
This is a big one. I cut ties with being spiritual and poor a long time ago. I also cut ties with the perception that energy mastery and seemingly intangible activations do not correlate to physical ReSource.
I have felt, seen, and known time and time again that my commitment to myself is alone worth the investment of receiving access to my energy because I understand and believe in the power of entrainment, harmonization, and the natural process of a higher frequency override.
Yes, it can be helpful to deepen into all that you’ve done, all that you know, your various and sometimes endless studies, certifications, classes, programs, etc, when it comes to receiving money for your work.
However, every time I support a client around pricing alchemy, I will activate them in deepening into who they be before anything they do/have done. In other words, who are you all the time? Are you the living embodiment of your work, services, and creations? Do you walk the talk, embody the talk, and even become the talk?
Because that is ultimately what people will receive when they step into your field – clear and pure access to the living, breathing vessel of the codes (the offering) through you.
I interact with each creation/vision as having a set of instructions for how it would like to be physicalized, and within the instructions is usually a price. Nothing here is black and white. This isn’t to say you read this and immediately raise all of your prices. I always remain open to the price that comes with the creation and trust that this will provide more than enough. This is to say that when you are unified with the power of who you be and, thus, the creation itself, receiving a price that opens the portal for you to be well compensated and fully ReSourced is non-negotiable.
10. I Am a professional at staying in my own channel/lane. (I Am also in full acceptance that a clear channel = tons of copying.)
The reason I’m a professional at this is because of the immense and unspeakable value, activations, and energy I receive from this “practice,” which is Now simply a way of being.
Keycode: I have been aware for a long time of my energetic openness and how said openness allows for easy influence by others’ energy. Especially those who work in similar realms as I do.
As I have become increasingly clear, my sensitivity to intaking that which does not serve who I be and my expression becomes blatantly obvious.
This journey began in phases: no scrolling on social media, no podcasts closely related to the realms I work in, no social media at all, and eventually an entire drop off of desiring to intake anyone or anything that is even semi-related or “close” to my own channel, transmissions, and creations.
Recently, I collapsed holding onto people in the field as “paving the path” I’m on. What I mean by this is, though I wasn't tuning into these people’s work, I energetically placed them as “in front” of me, thus providing an illusory sense of comfort that I had someone to “look to” or “hold onto.” After letting go of this, the new level of self that came online was truly astounding.
Clarity: I’m delighted by intaking and receiving things that inspire me! However, the inspiration I receive comes from things that serve to open and refine my connection to inspiration, creation, and my own channel versus subtly influencing or distorting how I transmit/my transmissions.
And in regards to the copying thing; the clearer your channel and field get, the more you will be copied, emulated, and regurgitated. Like with everything, there is nuance to this. Yes, of course, tune into and receive the organic initiations/clearings available here for you if it is something you’re hooked by; honor, witness, process, and clear; track the energy of what’s occurring (clearly) in case some form of exchange is needed.
Ultimately, my best advice here is to work through all that ish so you can eventually be entirely not affected by it because artificial business matrix hooks create mass distrust of one’s own channel and, thus, mass copying.
The more people we have enrolled in who they be and all that comes through that, the less this will be able to exist.
11. Privacy, mystery, and minding your business are lost arts that I am happily reviving.
I am an extremely open person; simultaneously, I Am an extremely private person. One of the places where privacy has been imperative to my well-being and, quite frankly, my success and allure is online.
The phenomena and all-around disorder of needing to know everything about everyone you follow online is baffling to me. Social media and thus influencer/celebrity culture have created a template in which success can be entirely determined based on how you look, your lifestyle, your things, and consistently showing people your personal life. I knew from the inception of my business that my success would not be tied in any way to lack of privacy, the pressure to share, or showing people my breakfast on Instagram.
I have a joke that my business and online presence have what I call “the nipple effect.” When a woman is wearing lingerie, and you can see everything but the nipple, you are naturally much more seduced by her than if you can straight up see everything. My frequency and thus business has always been one shrouded in devotion to Mystery – so quite naturally, everyone wants to see the nipple.
I receive almost weekly comments and messages along the lines of “Who have you worked with, what programs have you taken, where do you live, what kind of car do you drive, why don’t you use IG stories, where did you get your earrings, what does your office look like, can I have your birth time, what do you eat for breakfast…?”
I get why this is happening and also have no issue being someone whose field teaches others what is quite frankly, none of their business.
As aforementioned, I don’t show up “consistently,” I rarely show my personal life on social media, I do not give consistent personal life updates, my relationship is extremely private to the point that many people don’t know I’m in one, though I will credit them - I do not often share names of past teachers (per their request), I would prefer to not publicly show where I live, and my breakfasts remain a glorious mystery.
To be clear, I share about my personal life when I feel called to, not because I feel pressured to or find it essential to my success in any way. My private clients often hear many-a-story about my life, I use myself and my journey as examples in writing all the time, I share freely about anything (when relevant) on podcasts, etc. I have always been very in tune with the power of timing and privacy from my visions, transmissions, and creations to personal initiations (i.e., what is meant just for me, what is meant to share with my inner-circle, with clients, what is meant to stream through my business to the collective, etc.) — and naturally, I Am infinitely refining.
Final piece: I have witnessed many people come into my field and attempt to try to “do” being mysterious or private, hoping it gets them success, money, clients, etc. This isn’t a doing thing. It’s a fool’s errand to interact with any code I share or be from the “doing to get” level of consciousness. If you truly resonate with this way of existing, then your own unique connection to privacy and mystery will unfurl from that point of authentic resonance.
In other words, it’s not privacy and mystery that allow for my success; it’s me honoring the truth of who I be and how that manifests moment-to-moment.
In conclusion,
Let’s review the wise words of Jay-Z shall we, “I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” In other words, you or who you be is the business, baby. Your commitment to Self and all that stems from that is the thing that will attune you to levels of reality in which success (whatever that means to you) is always available. People are rapidly attuning to their ability to perceive subtle energy. Gone are the days of hiding distortion behind the doors of a seemingly “good, perfect, liberating, woke, or spiritual” business.