We soft-launched The Hivemind exclusively to The Hive members [EDEN’s Business Tier] and it filled in less than a week! If you’re reading this, we left five spots open, knowing there would be people outside of the membership who want to join us!


We will accept qualified applicants on a first-come, first-serve basis. What this means: do not wait to apply thinking you have time. The sooner you apply, the greater your chances of being accepted.


January-May 2025!


We do not have the schedule set yet. Here’s why ⬇️

We will be purposefully staggering all the call times to accommodate different time zones.

During your intake process, we will ask you what slot of times in PST you can make and will schedule calls based on those answers. (And, obviously, within reason of PL’s time.)

We will have start times as early as 8-9AM PST and as late as 3-4PM PST.

Short-hand answer: we will do our best to make it so everyone can attend some of the live calls.


We are capping the group at 20-25.

Keep in mind that this is a mid-ticket mastermind, so the group is going to be mid-sized.

If you want the highest level of 1:1 attention + access, apply for Private Mentorship. 2024 will be the final year I'm offering the number of calls I currently do [1 call/week]. In 2025, packages are changing!

In other words, these are the final 2 months to apply and receive a higher volume of 1:1-call-time with me.

*Let us know if you would be interested in a higher-ticker, higher-touch, smaller-group-size mastermind! [$2-3k/month]


There will be multiple touchpoints for 1:1 attention each month.

Here's how we're setting it up in a way that honors everyone's time but leaves no stone unturned:

  1. Monthly Mentorship-Mastermind Calls [targeted 1:1 mentorship, energy work, feedback]

  2. Monthly Office Hours [targeted reviews of in-progress or completed work]

  3. Telegram Channels: While PL will not be doing ongoing voice-note coaching in Telegram, she will be rolling over anything she can't get to on the office hours calls there.

For example, you left something to be reviewed during office hours, but PL didn't get to it on the call. After the call, she will leave a succinct voice note with your review in the Office Hours Telegram channel.


The EDEN membership [both tiers] is included in your Hivemind payment for the 5-months the container runs.