When I first birthed my business, I made an oath that I would steward this outer responsibility in line with my inner commitments. Guided by this fire, I entered the industry with great discernment around who was here to teach me about business, money, and leadership. I never hired a business coach, and the one mastermind I joined revealed to me much of what I didn’t want to become.
I was repeatedly shown that my path in business was one of listening and forging.
My extensive studies and devotion to esotericism, the healing arts, and energy work, combined with a passion and precision for business plus a dash of deep sight and foolishness, led me to discover that the templates I sought in others were already forming within me.
I recognize that these insights and expressions are not mine alone. They are being reawakened in many of us, specifically those who will join The Confluence.
As I stayed the course with my knowing, something miraculous occurred.
I was entrusted beyond my comprehension.
I know what it’s like to steward more money than I could have ever imagined. To have multiple employees and contractors, big-girl tax payments, and thousands of people moving through my company.
I show up as a practitioner-mentor in every type of setting—from 100-person Zoom calls to intimate 1:1 sessions, from people living in poverty to multi-millionaires, to those who are just beginning to turn towards themselves, and people who’ve been on the healing path for decades.
I live the tension of listening and executing, trying, experimenting, and failing, of putting myself in the fires of discomfort in the name of something bigger than me.
I am equally passionate about operations as I am creation. About being a skillful practitioner and being a marketing genius. I am both insanely organized and someone who rapidly evolves. I have high expectations and immense realism.
I know what it’s like to look ahead and ask, “Is there anyone out there who’s been here who can show me the way?”
Most importantly, I trust myself to navigate all of this with a relentless and curious yes.
Yes, to what I’m here to transform. Yes, to being wrong. Yes to my high-sensitivity. Yes, to doable stretches. Yes, to my humanity and divinity. Yes, to the mountaintop moments and the quiet valleys. Yes, to being skillful, knowing it won’t be seen. Yes, to being a mystic who has found herself planted in the center of commerce.
Yes, to being cracked open by Life.
The Confluence is not a promise that “I am that person who knows all,” “Triple your income when you sign up,” or “Come to learn how to be like me to ensure succes.”
My role is to support you in coming deeper into your dance with Life, in your work—and beyond, as skillfully and precisely as I can.
Beyond that, this is a celebration of finding each other, rooted in our individuality and growing in our interdependence. And the holy waves we will make in our convergence.
You thought you were walking this path alone—only to realize, as dawn breaks and we set our candles down, we’ve always been right here.