The humans who would disrupt and reweave the fabric of commerce are the ones who are terrified to do so.
What are you terrified of?
1. Freezing? You know the CEO-esque qualities you need to bring online, yet these are the very places where you freeze. Be it execution, marketing, or responsibility — you seem to hit an invisible wall anytime you encounter these qualities.
2. Losing yourself? Abandoning your highly sensitive, collaborative, interdependent nature in the name of being a “boss.”
Fear is safe.
Who you are is already the perfect foundation for a new style of leadership, a new era of generative commerce.
And you’re here to STEWARD it.

steward [ stoo-erd, styoo- ]
intransitive verb
: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care

Throughout my journey across various esoteric traditions, one truth stood out: The ones who are best prepared and positioned for leadership are the very ones who don’t want it.
As we stand on the bridge of ages, this is changing. As the archetype of the CEO goes through its natural evolution, it is becoming the STEWARD.
The steward is a leader whose commitment to inner mastery and interdependence guides them. A leader who understands that their commitments often demand more time, care, and intimacy to steward power in a good way. A leader who recognizes this is not just a position; it's a gift, pressure is a privilege, and the actions they take today are writing a legacy.
It’s time we allow the yes we say to our inner work to complete the equation. At the end of every problem there is an equal sign, the answer lies in bridging the inner and outer worlds. Bringing frequency into form.
This is the essence of true stewardship.
“work is love made visible”
— khalil gibran

In this never-before-offered fully LIVE program, we will travel through the dichotomy of 6 CEO-continuums.
In each call, we will unpack, in theory, what holds us back from a living embodiment of each of the CEO qualities.
Then, we will begin to explore new possibilities around how these qualities are interwoven into interdependence and, thus, all of our work.
In the practice portion, we will aim to have direct experiences of the concepts so that they may become uniquely yours and authentically embodied.
Concepts foster knowledge.
Direct experience unearths wisdom.
Practice creates embodiment
this is for you if. . .
the hoarding of your gifts is causing them to spoil and rot
the word leadership subtly to significantly bothers you (great examples abound!), and you’re ready to turn toward it
you’re ready to transform, oscillating between extremes of collapse, control, and transcendence regarding your work
deep down, you think you’re a freaking genius
failure scares you, but not as much as not trying
you play hide-and-seek with power; power always wins
you’re ready for execution to become your newest love language
your inability to escape responsibility is comical
your commitment to your sensitive, artistic, and collaborative nature is rock solid; none of this will be left at the door in the name of success
pleasing everyone or a commitment to personal integrity? you’ll take the latter
if there’s one unwavering thing about you, it’s your devotion to Life itself
what’s included?
6 x 90-minute continuum calls
1 x 90-minute Q&A call
access to all module notes in Notion
private forum for the duration of the program
lifetime access to all content
sustenance along the way
what will you receive?
a deepened ability to engage yourself and Life as they are, not as you think they should be
a better understanding of:
• how and why your system resists CEO traits
• how your innate sensitivity can be a vehicle for enhancing (not avoiding) these qualities
• how individuality and interdependence marry in the archetype of the STEWARD
effective practices to engage the natural tension typical of leadership roles

meet the steward
My mother insisted I be named Pilar. Nobody understood why. The name had made its way into our Italian family from Spain. In Spanish, it means “whole unto herself.” In English, it means pillar. A pillar is a strong column that helps hold a structure up. Pillars are perfectly designed to bear weight without collapsing underneath it.
This is the story of my life.
This is the story of my company.
For as long as I can remember, qualities like leadership, responsibility, and power have stalked me. I vehemently rejected them until that was no longer an option. In turning towards them, I encountered both personal and collective pain, harm, and repulsion that filled them. In saying yes to the transformation that was mine, I have been slowly inducted into the subtle realms of a new era of leadership. One guided by inner mastery and interdependence. I experienced, beyond concept, that my intrinsic qualities I was hoping to protect from the doom of responsibility were the very things that breathed love and life into them.
A pillar is able to bear weight not because it’s overloaded or overriding but because it is perfectly designed to be a conduit between Heaven and Earth.
It is designed to be in both logical and mysterious relationship to it. Thus making it appear effortless.
The behind-the-scenes work to cultivate my CEO-Stewardship has been anything but effortless. But hear me when I say I will do anything to position myself to be a better pillar.
Because nothing is more satisfying than being strong, flexible, and coherent enough to be a conduit for the Divine.
This is why I created STEWARD.
We will ALL be integrating what happens inside this container for lifetimes to come.
Welcome to the next page of your legacy.
I am humbled to walk with you.